Corporate total carbon footprint is the total of emissions calculated in an organization during selected time period.

The most relevant greenhouse gases effecting carbon footprint are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrogen dioxide. Carbon footprint calculation results are presented in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), which is used to equalize carbon footprint comparison.

The calculation is based on Greenhouse Gas Protocol, where emissions are divided in Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.

We’ve carried out our annual greenhouse gas emissions calculations in cooperation with Reforest Finland Oy. A more detailed breakdown of the calculated emissions of year 2021 and 2022 can be downloaded here. The yearly comparison of the emissions categories for 2021/2022 can be found here.

Our aim is to improve the calculation of Scope 3 emissions. For that, we need our partners’ input as well.

Ghg-protocol graph

Scope 1 – Direct emissions caused by use of Tammer Brands vehicles.

Scope 2 – Emissions caused by purchased electricity and district heating/cooling.

Scope 3 – Emissions included in our yearly calculation are employee commuting, business travelling, packaging materials and other supplies purchased by our Hämeenlinna Logistics Centre and Tampere office, logistics (in and out bound), and waste.