In our supply chain, we pay special attention to human rights and working conditions. Our principles for a responsible supply chain are defined in the Code of Conduct, that all our suppliers must commit to. In addition to this, our supplier agreement determines our other criteria for sustainability and product quality that our suppliers are required to meet.

In addition to communicating our criteria clearly and committing to agreements, the cornerstones of our sustainable procurement process include risk identification and assessment and long-term cooperation with suppliers.
The supply chains for our products are often long and complex. We also have a broad product range, which is why potential risks in the supply chain vary widely case by case. For a long time, we have worked to improve the transparency of our supply chain and the tools for identifying and minimizing sustainability risks. Our goal is to continue this work focusing on those products, materials and geographical areas that involve special risks.
We regularly discuss our sustainability requirements with our suppliers and customers. When visiting our supplier’s production plants, we always pay attention to working conditions. We use a checklist through which our employees can ensure appropriate working conditions within the limits of the visit.
We follow the principles of sustainable supply chains defined by the Amfori network. These principles are based on the UN’s and ILO’s conventions on human rights and working conditions.
- The rights of Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining
- No Discrimination, Violence or Harassment
- Fair Remuneration
- Decent Working Hours
- Occupational Health and Safety
- No Child Labour
- Special Protection for Young Workers
- No Precarious Employment
- No Bonded, Forced Labour or Human Trafficking
- Protection of the Environment
- Ethical Business Behaviour
Suppliers are required to include the principles in their existing management systems, involve employees to improve working conditions and promote these principles in their own supply chains. We monitor the practical realization of the principles through third-party audits.